7 practical steps to increase accountability in agile teams

7 practical steps to increase accountability in agile teams At the points in my career that I have seen senior management push back on the adoption of agile methodologies, the main areas of contention has been around the feeling of losing “control” over the delivery roadmap. Agile methodologies accept and embrace the fact that the […]

The ugly side of “No Surprises” Management

The ugly side of “No Surprises” Management I get it… I think… “No Surprises” management is intended to ensure that people aren’t hiding bad news from their colleagues (let’s face it, usually their boss or some other superior) so that we’re not horribly surprised at the last minute that, for example, our project is 6 […]

Autonomous teams vs ‘resource’ management

Autonomous teams vs ‘resource’ management How often have you heard the phrase “We don’t have the resource” or “How many resources will it take?” Quite apart from the dehumanising nature of the word “resource” (should we, in response, say “that’s a good question, management resource number 3”?), people are not automatons who are all equally […]

Motivation 2.0

Motivation 2.0 How are you engaging your team? Are you running a regular appraisal cycle where everyone’s individual score is totted up and ultimately dictates financial reward (pay increase, bonus, share options) or, on the other side of the scale, performance improvement plans? How are you finding this? Do people who get the financial rewards […]